cari makan

Thursday, December 31, 2009

my libra for 2010

Thursday, December 31, 2009 0
Year 2010 Career

The last year has probably presented more frustrations than triumphs in the work and money departments for you. Thankfully, it all turns around this year! There will be two eclipses -- one in January and one in July -- that will shake loose the situations you've been dealing with for a while now. In January, an eclipse in your Career House will make for distinct changes at your place of work. At first this change may be a cause for some concern: an increase in responsibilities, for example. Don't worry, you can handle it. You'll have the opportunity to show off your skills in new ways that are more likely to garner attention.

The second eclipse will finish the course set by the first one, and will likely propel you into a new job or a new position of prominence in the old one. Although these developments may come as a surprise to you, in hindsight they will have been a result of events that have been brewing for a while. If you think about where your work life has been the last couple of years, it's obvious that some kind of change was called for, even if it isn't immediately obvious.

As far as actual cash on hand, although it isn't likely there will be any windfalls or lottery wins, there will be a distinct sense of improvement developing gradually over time. June through August will show some distinct improvements.

Year 2010 Romantic

First of all, when it comes to anything scary you might have heard about Saturn being in your sign this year -- don't believe the hype! Yes, there will be a new sense of seriousness about things, but nothing you can't handle. And one of the nice things about this new seriousness is that it may well bring some serious romance into your life!

If you are currently in a committed relationship, June through August will find you involved in a new depth of communication with your partner. Knowing what you both want and finding ways to get there together will be of new importance to both of you. If you find yourself looking for love, much of the year will bring newfound attention. Mars in your House of Love Received will bring surprising attention from both new players and those who may have not expressed an interest before. If you are seeking a mate, this is good news. If you already have one, this could be good news or it could just be awkward.

Neptune will continue to cast a fuzzy shadow over your romantic judgment for much of the year. Being as it is in your Romance Sector, it has undoubtedly made for some interesting circumstances in your love life the last couple of years, and possibly some less-than-wise choices for yourself. But hey, what's a little romance without a little delusion? Although those conditions will continue to be in place through the year, both experience and supporting transits will help you to avoid the worst of the haziness, and you'll still be able to enjoy that Neptune buzz!

so, what yours?
i am totally ready for 2010. this year, im not gonna try to survive in 2010, but try to live it! yeee haaaaaaaa!

Monday, December 28, 2009

PEPEK Semerbak

Monday, December 28, 2009 2

hmm.kau pikir apa tuh?

miss march!

"horsedick.mpeg rulez the muthafuckin world. when my last cd dropped, muthafuckers got killed! KILLEEDD!!!"

that is one of the script sayin by horsedick.mpeg. in miss march movie. yup. that his name. i mean.. wat the hell ur name is so weird. plus, got .mpeg???? urghhh.

that orangish suit with chicks around him. horsedick dot mpeg.

in case u dont know what im sayin, here i put the poster of the movie.

cute tag line.

its a story of a couple, eugene and cindi, high school sweet heart plan to have their first time sex after prom night. eugene got nervous and drink to much till his fall from the stairs. then he got coma.

after 4 years of coma. he awake after hitted by his freind tucker cleigh using baseball bat.. he quite stupid dow. then, eugene want to find his girlfriend that turn out to be in palyboy magazine.cindi is miss march.

this scene, tucker hiding from firemans that want to kill him and the hot lesbians stil do their things, ignore everyone. ehehehe.

this is the first time eugene saw cindi in playboy magazine. he was so surprise.sad.mad.confuse.

sweet couple high school. cindi and eugene.

in this movie, i can see that Zach Gregger the director want to say that the quality that u have with a woman or man is worthy than the quantity. if u can slept with thousand womans but still dont get the true love, still ur life is nothing. love comes in many ways. many shape. untill u cannot recognize it.
p/s: i give 3 star for this wrong with tucker anyway?

my 2009


new obstacles.

new friends.

laugh all night

friend forever

boys sucks




abg muhd faaiz muzaffar.


new experience



worm kill me.

so do trojan.

new chapter again.

gossip girl

the city








men from mars

woman from venus





new year.

my life seem upside down through this year.
new hope. new aim. new goals.

2009 will end soon enough.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

tanpa kekasihku

Saturday, December 26, 2009 2
sing by Agnes Monica.

“To love is to risk not being loved in return.

To hope is to risk pain.

To try is to risk failure,

but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.”

Friday, December 25, 2009

percintaan abu dan bedah

Friday, December 25, 2009 0
suatu petang yang mendung macam nak hujan..

bedah : kau x sayang aku ke abg abu?
abu : sayang. kau tahu bukan macam mana perasaan ku pada mu..
bedah : jadi,kenapa kau tak mahu mengahwini ku?
abu : sayangku bedah, kahwin itu tak penting.
bedah : maksudmu abg abu?
abu :xpenting lah.
bedah : jadi kita berkasih sayang ini kenapa??

bedah terus menangis. dan menangis.

bedah : xsangka abg abu sanggup buat begini pada Bedah. Abg abu curi hati bedah, dan kemudian abg abu hancurkan hati bedah. Pas tu, abg abu cantum balik hati bedah dan kemudian hancurkan lagi. remuk hati bedah, abg abu. Apa hati bedah ini puzzle ke apa?

dan kemudian bedah menyambung tangisannya, dan abu. terpinga pinga.

abu: apa yang pecah? apa yang cantum??

p/s: percintaan ini tiada berkaitan dengan yang hidup atau yang mati.sekadar luahan yang hendak dikongsi. mana lah tau, aziz m osman ke, ahmad idham ke nak ambik aku jadi penulis skrip.ehehehe

emo la pulak malam2 macam ini. need some adrenaline rise!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009 0
i retweet this coz i think it worth to share. here i share again.

Genius people talk about ideas, average people talk about event , poor minded people talk about people.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Tuesday, December 22, 2009 0
We spend a whole life worrying about the future,

Planning for the future,

Trying to predict the future

As if figuring it out, will somehow cushion the blow

But the future is always changing,

The future is the home our biggest fears,

And our wildest hopes.

But 1 thing is certain,

When it finally reveals itself,

The future is never the way we imagined it.

Grey meredith, 2009

Marley and Me, touch my heart.

Life is unexpected and it is not according to your plan, exactly.
That is my first thought comes to mind after I watched Marley and Me. Jennifer Anniston as Jenny, Owen Wilson as John and Marley are the lead character. It is a movie based on a novel.

This movie is a story of a life John and Jenny with their aggressive and hyperactive dog, Marley. Marley chew everything even their wall, floor and eat his food 3 times a day. Moreover, he gonna eat and eat it again whenever he starving. In spite all the craziness with the dog, Marley scared of thunderstorm.

John is a columnist. John writes everything that he sees, he thinks, in his point of view.

marley chewing John's sofa.

What make this movie so great? It is a life of a person movie. When u don’t plan have a baby, u have it. When u plans to be a reporter, u becomes a columnist. It just life. Relationship is the main thing in life. Relationship with god, family, friends, co-workers, and even animal. These combinations make imperfect life look perfect. Laughing and crying together. Timeless.

Should watch it. A great movie. I even cried when Marley died.

if u guys do not know what movie ive been talking about, here, i put a trailer for u guys.

A dog has no use for fancy cars..or big homes or designer clothes.
A waterlogged stick will do just fine.
A dog doesn’t care if u a rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb,
Give then ur heart, and he’ll give u his.
How many people can u say that about?
How many people can make u feel rare and pure and special?
How many people can make u feel …extraordinary? -Marley and Me-

P/s: i learnt that plan gradually is useless because we can expect everything. Instead, future is always the unexpected one. Life is imperfect. And it always not fair. It is up and downs like a roller coaster. Therefore, I just set, my goals for the future, not planning it too details.

Sometimes, surprises can be good.

Monday, December 21, 2009

the beautiful of Mathematic

Monday, December 21, 2009 0
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=123456789 87654321



Is represented as:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.

H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K

8+1+18+4+23+ 15+18+11 = 98%

K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E

11+14+15+23+ 12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96%

A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E

1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100%

look how far the love of God will take you:


12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%

Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:

While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude willget you there,
It's the Love of God that will put you over the top....

if only, best romantic movie.

If only we have more times, if only we know when we gonna die, I bet we all appreciate everything happened each day in our life.
That exactly what the message from IF ONLY movie that I just finished watching just now. Samantha Andrews by Jeniffer Love Hweitt and Paul Nicholls as Ian Wyndmann is the main actress and actor.

Surely it a romantic movie genre and for me it really sweet in what Ian had done to Sam in term to express his love to her, appreciate her. Well of course it is very cliché, when you’ll losing something, you will appreciate more. Like Ian, got dream that his girlfriend gonna die at 11pm, he did everything just to make sure his girlfriend have a perfect day. Sharing memories where Ian live when he still a kid, going round at the London ferris wheel, make Sam’s graduation day special by let her orchestra mate playing music that Sam’s write. Bracelet is Ian gifts for graduation to Sam and he even tell Sam why he love her so much.

this is a scene that ian show to sam his favourite place when he was a kid.

If only is not a the-notebook style but it still give a sweet-smile-happiness after you watching it.

It’s about giving people the most precious gift possible… time (Ian Wynndman, 2004)

P/s; somehow this movie helps to answer certain questions that loitering inside my beautiful mind. Glad coz am watching it.*smile*

Somehow I want to start a diary again.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Wednesday, December 16, 2009 0
miss s: still contact her?
me: yeah.y?
miss s: u better stop.
miss z: ahahahaha
me: what???

that so childish la friend.please la..

Monday, December 14, 2009

waiting for Sherlock Holmes.

Monday, December 14, 2009 1
movie that i cant wait.. its Sherlock Holmes.

yeah, i am his fan. it schedule to be playing in the cinema this xmas but i dont know when it is playing in my place. guess, i keep waitin then.

i do admire sherlock holmes since i was a kid back then. hope this movie can bring the fire back on tracks bout holmes, not like the boring in the cartoon.
hope so.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

future is coming soon.

Sunday, December 13, 2009 1
tadi lepak makan makan ngan my bff. suddenly.

miss z : r u sure u gonna further master after u graduating?
me : donno.wo bu lui.u?
miss z: donno too.nak practice but it look like stress.still thinking.


bila dah masuk usia 21 ni, banyak yang aku fikirkan semenjak 2 menjak. semua benda serius weh. muskil aku.

dulu aku ada plan.plan hidup la dikatakan. tapi, sekarang, dapat tak kau bayangkan, di mana kau bangun, lepas tu kau berkobar kobar nak buat itu dan ini. banyak sangat rasanya benda atau perkara yang kau nak buat. nak buat itu. nak buat ini.

serius banyak!

sekarang plan aku dah berubah.simple plan.complicated plan.semua plan aku dah berubah.dan otak aku xberhenti nak berpk.

apesal kat aku ni ea?

ini entri serius.harap maaf.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

sorry seems to be the hardest word.

Saturday, December 12, 2009 0
im done watching Private Practice for today episode on ntv7 just now and suddenly im thinking bout the word sorry.

for me, i said sorry if only i meant it.. and the reasons to meant it can be a lot. seriously a lot and one of it, is if u in situation fighting some stuff with ur sisters, u said sorry just because u value the relationship more than everything.yeah. i do consider bout that all the time.

in spite all of the 'sorry' things, forgiving is the main priority in why people saying sorry because they want forgiveness. i really take time when i want to forgive someone, but till now, i forgive everyone that have do mistake to me. even it is the cruelest thing ever.i dont know why.

i guess to achieve the ultimate happiness, that why i forgive.beside, i dislike revenge and hateness. really hard to myself to say sorry for myself. it is really hardest word to tell myself. in everything that i do. i never say sorry.

eventhough that i failed in exams, or failed in a relationship, or even failed to get a job, or failed my parents hope... i never sorry for my self. instead, i give my own punishment to my self. since i was a little kid till now.sigh.

whats wrong with me??

yet.i still learning and continue learning.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

apa yang membezakan kita?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009 0

Kita.kamu.sama tapi tak serupa.

Apa yang serupa? Apa yang tak sama?

Spesies? Homo sapiens.

Warna kulit? Putih, gelap, kuning langsat, sawo matang

Rambut? Lurus, ikal mayang, teknik rebonding

Jenis darah? Darah A, O,B, AB

Jadi, apa yang membezakan kita?

Sehingga kita saling memerlukan?

Saling bergaduh?

Saling berebut?

Saling sayang menyanyangi?

Cara kau berfikir. Ya. Itu tak sama. Cara kau pandang sesuatu itu. Ya itu yang membezakan kita. Dugaan datang tanpa henti dan datang dalam bentuk yang berbeza dengan tujuan yang sama tetapi dalam percaturan masa yang berbeza. Ada yang lambat, ada yang cepat. Matang nya engkau di lihat dari segi keputusan yang di buat. Respons yang di beri. Oleh itu, cara kau berfikir sama ada kau seorang yang optimis, pesimis atau apa apa saja, itu lah yang membezakan kita.

Aku boleh lihat gelas yang berisi setengah susu itu, separa penuh, dan kau mungkin lihat separa kosong.

Apa yang mempengaruhi cara kau berfikir ialah ilmu. Ilmu tak pernah habis. Makin kau cari, makin kau telaah, makin banyak ilmu. Makin banyak yang kau tahu. Makin banyak persoalan timbul dalam benak kau. Makin banyak penyelesaian yang kau jumpa. Oleh itu, ilmu itu penting. Ilmu yang membezakan kita.

Jadi, kenapa kau kedekut dengan ilmu kau? Kenapa kau tak boleh share kah?

Kalau kau ada sebiji epal, dan memberi epal itu kepada manusia yang lain, kau akan kehilangan epal itu. Tapi sekiranya kau mengajar 1+4-9x18+2 kau memberi ilmu dan dapat pemahaman. Kan bagus.

Kenapa fikiran kau sungguh cetek. Buka lah mata. Bukalah minda. Mana golongan hebat yang di sarankan oleh kerajaan?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

louboutins. my new fav song!

Sunday, December 6, 2009 0
Taking back my love...
You said you changed, But still nothing.
You're still the same, I'm just a part time lover.
And I'm to blame, Should've went away.
But yet I stayed, With a part time lover
See, somedays you will love me.
Then you don't, then you do, then you won't.
Then you're here, then you're gone.
I'm alone
Now you got me stressing out On the phone.
But it's the last time,
I'm movin' on,
I'm throwing on my Louboutins
I'm throwing on my Louboutins...
I left the status,
Changed everything.
No more 818 For the part time lover.
What goes around, comes back around.
And then you get what you deserve.
You part time lover.
See, somedays you will love me.
Then you don't, then you do, then you won't.
Then you're here, then you're gone. I'm alone.
Now you got me stressing out On the phone.
But it's the last time, I'm movin' on,
I'm throwing on my Louboutins
I'm throwing on my Louboutins...
Watch this straight bottoms,
And the back of my jeans Watch me go, bye baby.
Don't know what you got until it's gone.
Tellin' lies,
It's over, see...
Watch that benz exit That driveway
I'm throwing on my Louboutins...
Watch me walk it out,
Walk it out, walk it out.
Walk this ride above the house.
Walk it out.
Boy, watch me walk it out, walk it out.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Saturday, December 5, 2009 1






why did she can make it and not me?????

future is coming very soon enough.

Monday, November 30, 2009


Monday, November 30, 2009 1
cuti ini, saya selalu dating bersama Mr Sem Break dengan tengok movie atau series. bahagia nya. ngeeee~~~~

banyak movie2 yang dah di tonton tapi kali ini saya nak kongsi satu cerita drama jepun iaitu PRIDE.

Pride ialah satu drama yang bergenre sport and also romance. Takuya Kimura as a hero name Halu Satonaka dan heroin nya Aki Murase yang dilakonkan oleh Yuko Takeuchi. Sebenarnya, saya memang suka menonton cerita2 macam ini, eh jap, saya memamg suka menonton semua movie pun kat dunia nie ehehehehe

tak rugi menonton drama ini, best. sehingga menjilat jari. kahkahkahakhakah. well, cerita jepun genre ini memang keromantikan nya tahap dewa best. silap ari bulan boleh mengalir air mata...

ha.. ini hero dan heroin dia... scene saya suka bangat. weeee~~~ scene ni si Halu ngah sedih sebab mak dia then dipujuk oleh Aki. Sweet eyh.. dah lah Takuya tu ensem (n_n)'
p/s: apesal aku guna ayat skema ea mlm ni? aish.. musykil bik pelik tol..


i hate imposters!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

today is saturday!

Saturday, November 28, 2009 0
it was a blast day with my mom. At first i dont have any intended to hangout or window shopping but if i'm staying at home, there is nothing much to do either. So i decided to window shopping with my mom. But my mom is not window, she does do her shopping. huhu.

having lunch at 5pm. hahaha.eating at Chicken rice shop does flash back my memory when i was a KML students back then. the pai tee is still nyummy. 2 thumbs up! then continue helping my mother to choose the best mat. fuh. at last, the blue in color she want.
then, we went another shopping complex before having dinner with my dad at Boyan. My mom was looking for her compact powder instead she bought her shampoo. haiss.
loitering with my mak su at boyan quit funny sometimes. a lil chit chat that will never ends.
and now,

am really tired.

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Thursday, November 19, 2009 0
Nyanyian Fabulous Cat, lagu Lari. Aku suka. tak tahu kenapa.
mungkin kerana lirik nya.

video kat bawah nie, time diorang tengah buat Jelajah Era kat Teluk Intan. layaannnnnn


Dia buluh yang tak dilentur

Penagih kasih sayang harapan sipenghulur

Didikan tiada dari orang tua nya

Rangkaian kaca yahudi menemani jalan hidup

Dia dah kenal cinta

Dia mula dah suka

Sudah berteman teman

Sudah berpegangan tangan

Cuba ringan ringan dah sampai nak ke lengan

Suka sama suka hina dosalah santapan

Dinoda goda tiba tiba duka dah diduga dah berbadan dua

Mana angkara hilang tah kemana terpinga pinga bencana menimpa

Tersorong sorang orang tua meradang tangan melayang menayang tak henti memanjang

Tiada memandang tiada bahu disandang

Terkapai duyong meraba capai bayang dayung


Salah siapa salahkah kita

Salahkah aku atau kamu

Siapa ditanggung

Siapa mengendong

Siapa menanggung yang dikendong


Lari lari lari aku lari

Lari lari lari dari mimpi

Lari lari aku lari dari sepi

Biar ku sendiri

Biar ku sendiri

Menganggung sepi menghilangkan diri

Menenangkan hati meneruskan mimpi

Menebus kembali

Maruah diri


Sayang sayang kan dah jadi nangka

Taburan kertas kemewahan menelan simanja

Pinta papa saja papa hidangkan ya

Destinasi mana mama turutkan juga

Didikan cukup disediakan dengan sempurna

Cuma papa mama lupa nak ada bersama

Anakda merana ketagih belaian jiwa

Mengemis kasih sayang bibik teman saudara

Tak cukup rasa memang tak serupa

Berkenalan pula dengan kokaina

Khayal khayalnya kebas sentiasa

Diampunya itu lah cintanya

Jamah jamuan santapan harian

Gigilan badan bagaikan taufan

Terlantar telanjang dikamarnya samar

Terpejam dia pejam tercerai dari badan


Berbagai cara untuk meneruskan

Perjalanan yang tiada akhir

Aku sendiri mencari jalan pasti

Biarpun ku pun berlari pastikan ku temui

Berbagai cara untuk meneruskan dosa dosa yang tiada henti

Aku sendiri meraba cari erti

Pastikan ku temui

Pastikan ku temui

p/s: tetiba jer aku teringat zaman sekolah dulu yang menghafal lirik lagu Alhamdulillah.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009 2
If you invest wisely, the pay off might just suprise you. Love is bright to invest. =)

somehow jiwa tengah kacau and this word give me strength. *sigh*

Sunday, November 15, 2009

kawan baik dan buruk.

Sunday, November 15, 2009 0
kau tahu, kalau kau berada di sekitar najis yang baunya busuk, dan apabila kau keluar dari kawasan itu, kau masih juga busuk dan perlu mandi untuk menghilangkan busuk itu.

kalau kau berada di kedai yang menjual parfume. pelbagai brand. wangi. dan apabila kau keluar dari kedai itu, kau tetap wangi dengan pelbagai bau bauan parfume itu.

apa yang berada di sekeliling kau, kau akan terkena impact nya sedikit atau banyak. tak usah dipedulikan bahawa manusia sejagat memang suka jaga tepi kain orang. sebab itu merumitkan keadaan lagi.

apa yang aku nak sampaikan di sini ialah, bila kau luka berdarah, bernanah, kau pasti akan terkotor.xbanyak, sedikit. sama seperti kita berkawan. kalau kau berkawan dengan insan insan yang baik. yang pergi ke surau. mendengar usrah setiap selepas selesai solat maghrib. walau ada di antara mereka tetap mengamalkan gaya hidup mengumpat. lama-lama kau akan mengikut juga. xbanyak. mungkin hari khamis malam jumaat kau ikut.dan mungkin hari sabtu kau tak ikut. tapi kau ikut.

kalau kawan sekeliling kau yang tiap malam akan keluar melepak, akan keluar clubbing menghabiskan duit yang mak bapak kirimkan. suatu malam, kau akan ikut jgak. mungkin kerana perasaan ingin tahu, atau di cabar oleh rakan rakan mahupun diejek dengan nama budak surau kalu kau tak ikut.

kan aku dah kata tadi. sedikit sebanyak orang sekeliling kita akan mempengaruhi siapa diri kita sebenarnya. patut Rasulullah berpesan, kalau nak lihat siapa diri kita sebenarnya, lihat pada kawan kita.

kerana kawan kita mencerminkan siapa diri kita.

p/s: tuhan bagi akal untuk membezakan yang mana baik, yang mana buruk. Lu pikirlah sendiri~~~~~

owh ya, aku dah menonton 2012. memang best. 2 jam lebih duduk menonton.memamg berbaloi. 5 bintang aku bagi.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Saturday, November 14, 2009 0

cuti dah bermula.

selera makan makin bertambah.

masa tidur makin panjang.

produktiviti mungkin akan berkurang. mungkin.

am i gonna be like this?
hell no! jogging yok!
tapi... tiap petang hujan turun...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Yaay! Holiday!

Friday, November 13, 2009 0
Semester 1 for this session is officialy done!

yahoo! lot of things happened.


Bestfriend forever.



Final year Project.









New Experienced.




Learning is a lifetime will never end..

nak buat apa time cuti ni ea?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

close ur eyes, and u'll see it..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009 0
while im youtub-ing.. i found a very nice advertisement..

a deaf person try to playin violin..

its been a while im not seeing advert that touch me.... and maybe it make u touching as well..

pantene..shine... seriously, her hair flying around? so windy that concert..

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

i HEART Taylor Swift

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 0
Taylor Swift? yes. the one who sing You Belong to Me. The one who got prank by Ellen. The one who got boo by Kanye West but then Kanye West got boO with everybody.

yes. i heart Taylor Swift! she so funny. she so talented. adorable.sweet. haih. tergoda i. oppss!

due to lot of revising and memorizing, my head so full till wanna explode. therefore, im googling some hilarious video and found taylor swift on ellen show.

i know her from her songs, coz her songs are country music. but i didnt realize that she so sweet and hilarious.hahahhaa

this is video that ellen prank her for the halloween show.

she hit her head off.quite tough ah.

this is the time she talk bout how joe jonas broke up with her.

when she meet JT, everything is fine ;-)

taylor Swift seeing Taylor Lautner.
ngeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xD

she can make the song juz like that? did i tell u that she so talented? i likeeeeee!

she should proceed finishing the song. the tune already nice.

heart Swifty.

appreciate what u have

by sincerely Appreciating what's already yours,
u can build upon it to Reach any dream u could possible imagine..

somehow while im studyin, i thiniking bout the word 'tambat' then make me in jiwa kacau mode.. but this quote make me releive.. credit to Yasmin Hani.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

tidur dan selamat pagi.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009 1
aku plan tidur 2 jam jer. but now dah pagi.selamat pagi.

aku tak habis lagi study. serius ni weih.

arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh! mcm mana la aku bole tertidur... ish..

Monday, November 2, 2009

sebelum study

Monday, November 2, 2009 0
sebenarnya, aku tengah ambik mood. cewaaaaahh. ambik mood lah sangat, ambik mood nak study, tapi online dulu ahahahaha update pape yang patot.

study week dah abis dah, tapi aku baru nak start study wakakaka
esok my first paper, subjek teras opsyen iaitu international economy. terlamapu banyak dugaan dan halangan kalau aku study di rumah tercintaku, jadi aku mengambil keputusan untuk berada di cais. huh. dugaan tengok tv jak pun ahahaha

apa nak belajar ea? iE tu susah oooo... adehhh tapi bole di buat tu... sem ini banyak dugaan yang aku hadapi.. lain sikit la dugaan nya .. especially time sebulan sebelum sem ini berakhir... serious weih dugaan hebat..

bayangkan my thesis a.k.a my projek tahun akhir a.k.a my final year project hilang dowh.. gara gara da orang kedai yang formatkan laptop aku tapi xbuat backup walau dah mintak. mengom~~

ala, sebelum tu, banyak lagi macam tayar pecah gara gara paku 5 inci. gila panjang siot paku itu. selepas tu, drama drama melayu tidak ketinggalan. pasti ada... tapi malas lah nak menaip panjang2...

niat nak ambik mood jak ahahahahaha

paper sok, da 5 chapter x abis revise lagi, gila sehh masih berblogging rupanya aku..

haip! haip! stop typin! baca buku!!! now!!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009


Monday, October 26, 2009 0
in spite all of things happened. now finals are here.
well my 1st paper on nov 4th, but still need a lot of studies like exchange rate, balance of payment, privatization, WTO,IMF, UN,ADB and bla..bla..bla.. lot of it. so stress when think bout it. haish!

am i look like dat when im answering my exam?
i try not to let any other things distrubances my mind. i just keep all my remeh temeh things out side the boundaries. cewaah. but, pray for me.
some of my friends graduated. UITM convocation oii... congratz to them ;-) nak mention nama? malas lah nak taip huhu
last week im hanging out with the girls... and it seriously awesome!! and we think we gonna have another karaoke session later. ngggeeeee;D

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

almost there

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 1
end of the semester is around the corner. lot of things happened. lot of obstacles. lot of crappy stuff in lifes happened. lot of things to learns. live goes on.

my proposal fyp almost done. i just need to do some polish with my chapter 1 and chapter 3 later after im blogging. hehehe

and i missin my girls so badly and thanx god, we had chance to hang out tonite. cant wait! xD

assignements is done. carry mark are coming. cuak sioott.

final exams? of course like hell im not ready! ahaha. but will be, soon. need to repair my cgpa after some pitfalls happened in my life that affects it. stupid.

owh, juz come back from my current issue class and watching beautiful mind movie. a film bout John Nash. In taste of movie, that type of movie surely is Hallmark-type. but in a deep meanings of understanding, beautiful mind is a beautiful mind. credit to Dr evan.

talks.talks.talks. i love to chat recently. dont know why. miss golong punya pasal lah. never boring when have chit chat with her. ngeeeeeeee ;-)

pa gik o...

owh. my methodology. . ish!

why on earth am apologizing?

Apologizing does not mean that you are wrong and the other one is right...
It simply means that you value the relationship much more than your Ego.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

penn HEART blake

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 0
in spite to due all the assignments with the very hectic past few weeks and im still on it,

suddenly i missin sumone.some body.

i heart penn and blake~~~~~~~~~~~
cant wait to watch xoxo again..

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Wednesday, October 7, 2009 2
kawan aku no 1 tengah bahagia. dr sebelum raya lagi.
kawan aku no 2 pun tengah bahagia. masalah dah settle.
kawan aku no 3 memang bahagia sangat.honeymoon memanjang.
kawan aku no 4 rasanya dia pun bahagia sebab si dia mmg jd hak dia. hak?? da kawen ke?
kawan no 5 pun dah bahagia. baru bahagia.
kawan aku no 6, coming soon kowt bahagia. amin.

semua bahagia. aku pun nak. bukan aku tak bahagia. cuma...

p/s: kawan2 aku dr 1-6 semuanya perempuan. itu golongan yang rapat dengan aku. jangan salah paham ye.

dugaan kali ini, sungguh hebat.

seriously, october is the last month before final exam start and im doing like crazy each and everyday..

so many things happened.
many things want to be at the center.

1.tayar pecah gara gara paku besar.
2.laptop n jurnal ilang. setengah nak mati cari balik.
3.redo assignment coz semua assignment turut hilang. final year project-----> dah blur! xtawu btolke salah.
5.presentation international economics minggu depan tapi report x siap agi!!! argghhh!!
6.penat lah baca jurnal... but i have to..
7. 23 oct 2009 due date FYP. OMG!!!
8.miss u.
9.baudget constraint. damn! akibat terlebih belanja b4 raya. huh!10
10.miss golong topup byk sangat kat ladyteller. ladyteller jd segan. nak byr balik, tapi budget contraint. huhu. tunggu ladyteller kaya ye missgolong.
11. da manusia sibuk nak kontrol aku. blah la engkau!
12. buang masa menaip kat blog? owh no.....

dah2. esok da presentation. need to prepare. huhu.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Saturday, October 3, 2009 0
am still struggle bebeh.

pray for me.

then, i updates this blog keyh.


Monday, September 21, 2009

guitar master rocks!!

Monday, September 21, 2009 1
due to tons of assignments during hari raya break, still i need sumthing to release my tense other than makan n makan n makan till i tembam ahahahaha. who cares. lol.

ok2, i really damn want to play guitar hero but still do not have chance yet to own it so i play guitar master. online game. seriously it quite fun. it will be better if play it using ps2 but since my sis olready sold her ps, so pc is the other tools to play game!

i'm addicted to it! and my assignments, havent start it yet~~~~ (>.<")

Sunday, September 20, 2009

salam aidilfitri

Sunday, September 20, 2009 0

happy eid everyone. i just wanna say happy eid to all muslimin and muslimat around the world.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Thursday, September 17, 2009 2
howdie hoe...! hype! i'm back! i know ive been very busy this lately until ignoring my own blog but here i am. updating in my lovely blog. ehehehehe

ok2, guess what, its raya just around the corner yahooooo. all my friend at campus already gone to their family since last saturday and so am i. im in the mood for raya now (=

yesterday is me wif my lovely sis went back home after finishing our last class at the campus. first, i pick her up almost 430pm then we start our balik kampung journey.

see our no-makeup face but happy oooo ;p

the traffic jam was hell yeah!
everywhere is jam. my knee really hurt due to hold the clucth during driving. when i said is everywhere. eans everywhere! area pending, cms, toll, the spring, satok.... arghhhh the whole kuching is jam!


inspite all the excitedness of raya break...
thousands of assignments need to be done. really spoil my mood when talking bout the assignment.. huhu )=

group assignment dr affandy.... still in searching for in4
issues for institutional matter... still in searching for in4
removal of 30% bumiputera... still in searching for in4
tutorial international economics.. not done yet
group industrial organization - germany assignment... not done yet
terorism.. still in searching in4
FYP-intra trade industry.... not done yet!

OMG! MY FYP!!!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

simple. i try

Saturday, September 12, 2009 0
this time, i want to

make it simple and fun.
i make it that way. and i try to.
~~~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ~~~

Friday, September 4, 2009

antara lobak, telur atau kopi?

Friday, September 4, 2009 0
Sebenarnya, 2 3 hari ni, aku lebih banyak mengunci mulut dan bermonolog sendirian. Aku sibuk dengan mid term sepanjang minggu ini. Entah kenapa kata kata dari seseorang selalu di fikiran ku.

Aku berfikir. Dan berfikir. Sampai hari ini.

Aku mengaku, aku berubah, dan ada sebab kenapa aku berubah. Mengapa kau tak senang dengan perubahan aku? Dan sekarang aku keliru…

Cuba sediakan 3 periuk bersertakan air di dalam nya untuk di didihkan. Dalam periuk pertama masukkan lobak merah, periuk kedua masukkan sebiji telur dan periuk ketiga masukkan biji kopi. Panaskan selama 15 minit. Setelah itu, keluarkan 3 bahan bahan tadi dari periuk dan lihat apa yang terjadi.

Lobak merah yang sebelum ini keras menjadi lembut setelah di panaskan. Telur yang lembut menjadi keras. Manakala, kopi masih tetap menjadi kopi Cuma setelah di panaskan ia member haruman dan warna pada air di dalam periuk tersebut.

Apa yang aku nak gambarkan disini ialah periuk dan air yang dipanaskan itu merupakan masalah yang kita hadapi, dan tiga bahan tadi ialah keadaan mental selepas menghadapi masalah.

Lobak merah melambangkan seseorang yang pada mulanya tegas dan teguh pendirian. Dalam kehidupannya, dia sentiasa bersikapjujur dan sanggupbekerja keras bagi mencapai sesuatu. Tetapi setelah menghadapi masalah, tekanak persekitaran atau masalah keluarga, keadaan mentalnya menjadi lemah sehingga dia tidak berani membuat keputusan sehinggap prinsip hidupnya juga berubah.

Telur pula melambangkan seseorang yang berpendirian lemah lembut. Memahami perasaan orang lain dan sanggup berkorban demi kepentingan manusia lain. Tetapi, setelah di duga dengan masalah besar yan bertubi tubi menjadikannya mudah tersinggung, keras kepala dan egois.

Manakala, kopi pula melambangkan kewujudan diri yang tidak berubah sekalipun beban dan masalah menghimpit dan memberi tekanan serta impak yang besar. Namun begitu, dia tidak mengeluh dengan masalah dan beban yang dihadapinya. Tidak keluar dari mulutnya sebarang keluhan atau kata kata negative. Dia tetap bersifat optimistic.
Dan aku sedar, aku umpama sebiji telur.. dan berusaha menjadi biji biji kopi dalam menangani masalah..
Dia : awak dah berubah.
Saya : apa yang berubah?
Dia : cara awak berjalan.
Saya : kengkang ke?
Dia : tak.tapi berlagak.sombong.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

missing someone

Wednesday, September 2, 2009 0

i was studying for my exam tonight. i've been reed all this stuff which are world bank, United Nation, IMF, WTO since last night and still hasnt finish yet.

all of sudden, im thunking bout him.i saw him few hours ago, but still i want to sms-ing him but....

(gambar sekadar perhiasan)

what im thinking about?! shuh! shuh! study oii. kelak fail mun x study. (-.-")

another song from Pitbull that i like. Hotel Room Service. check it out!

p/s : kurang pahala puasa selepas menonton ehehe

Monday, August 31, 2009

exam mode

Monday, August 31, 2009 0
ngah study.. international economics.. waaahhh.. stress tahap xgaban coz masih boleh berblog huhu

8pm tonite! wish me all the best;-)

kenak timpak

kamek dacrita nak di kongsi,nang rasa pelik jak eyh,mek pun xcayak mena ka x tapi tok yang berlaku.

it happened pada pukul 8 pagi marek,, baruk jak eyh, kmk tgh tido selepas kwn mek anta mek ke kolej pagi. nywa gik malas sa nak bukak buku walaupun exam

cam ne kah, time tido tek nak, boleh tersedar indah coz kmk sa da orang ninjak bantal kamek. kak ya bergerak gerak ke tilam. chem ni tukkkk mek madah lam ati. kak ya mek mok angkat.
udahhh xpat angkat ndah. kaki sa berat jak xpat di gerak. tangan mek pun sama. sora pun xkuar coz kmk try nak kakar.


kak menyedari pa yang berlaku, kmk pun membaca al fatihah. plan nak baca ayat kursi first tp al fatihah di baca dolok. kak abis mek baca al-fatihah dalam ati tek kmk terasa da gegaran rah badan mek . kak ya kmk alu dapat bangun. kamek duduk.

wallahu alam.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

perkara perkara di bulan Ramadhan (part 1)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009 3
1. saya bersahur, berpuasa, berbuka puasa di rumah bersama keluarga pada 1 ramadhan. alhamdulillah.

2. belum mengerjakan solat sunat tarawaikh kerana dijangkiti virus malas dan kesibikkan membuat assignment

3. semalam berbuka dengan steamboat, makan terlampau kenyang, selepas mandi terus tertidur sampai tidak sedar untuk bersahur. tapi time makan, hati senang. ;-)

4. Projek Tahun Akhir saya belum mula taip... apa lah saya nie...

tension eyh.. stresssssssss

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pengakuan Ikhlas Fasha Sandha di Myspace

Tuesday, August 25, 2009 2
adakah anda peminat Fasha Sandha? atau anda termasuk dalam golongan yang tidak meminati Fasha Sandha seperti saya?

Tiada niat lain apabila entri ini ditulis. Ia nya saja untuk berkongsi cerita tentang kebenaran.
Saya baru tahu bahawa Ally Iskandar berminat dengan Fasha Sandha...

click di sini-->>

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Thursday, August 20, 2009 2
i was searching the new movie trailer on the cinema in youtube which is final destination 4.
it was awesome! and a cant wait to watch it. it start to play on cinema starting 28th august.

while im searching for trailers, i aslo found a great movie direct by the same director movie of Independence day and The day After Tomorrow. It call 2012. for sure its a disaster

Best! syookkk nya ;-)

check the trailers guys!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

miss u yasmin

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 0
all of sudden, in the middle of night, i miss yasmin ahmad's movies, commercials.
therefore, im youtubing for any commercial made by her and also trailers or even movies.

this video is yasmin ahmad playing herself .
'go out there and fall in love'

chocolate. a 15minutes short story made by Yasmin ahmad for 15Malaysia. Act by kahoe and Sharifah Amani.

al-fatihah for yasmin ahmad...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

ramadhan dah dekat

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 0
Tatkala aku masih berangan mahu menyiapkan segala tugas tugas yang di beri oleh pensyarahku,
tatkala aku masih bersenang lenang dengan masa yang lapang,
tatkala aku masih membaca’ Bangkit Semula Sesudah Mati’, nescaya, masih kurang imlu di dada ku.

Banyak yang tidak ku ketahui menegenai mati, roh, jasad dan sebagainya.

Tahukah kamu bahawasanya manusia terdiri daripada dua unsur. Iaitu jasad dan roh. Dari kedua unsure tersebut, siapakah yang akan menjawab pertanyaan kubur dari malaikat Munkar dan Nakir, adakah jasad atau roh?

Jasad atau badan manusia terdiri daripada darah, daging,kulit dan tulang. Tulang di selaputi oleh daging dan di dalam daging mengalirnya darah, sedang itu juga, daging di bungkus dengan kulit. Oleh itu, jika sesorang itu maut kerana terbakar atau di makan oleh ikan, jasad nya akan tetap pulang ke tanah.

Bagaimana dan seperti apa seksaan kubur, tidak seorang pun tahu, hanya Allah yang tahu.

Apabila sesorang itu telah meninggalkan dunia, ia akan di datangi oleh munkar dan nakir untuk di soal. Sepeninggalan Munkar dan Nakir, lalu di datangi seseorang yang mengenakan pakaian serba indah yang dating menemani si mati dan itu lah amal si mati itu. Ini bermaksud, sepanjang kehidupan si mati, dia banyak berbuat amal jariah, hidupnya beriman dan bertaqwa. Kubur si mati juga akan merasa sangat lapang. Ia akan hidup begitu sampai kiamat tiba.

Tetapi, sekiranya setelah di soal oleh munkar dan nakir lalu didatangi oleh sesorang yang busuk serta susuk yang menjijikan,tubuhnya yang penuh nanah ditambah bau hanyir yang memuakkan. Nescaya itu lah amal keji yang semasa hidup si mati banyakmelakukan maksiat, perkara terkutu, dosa dosa dan sebagainya. Kuburnya akan terasa dalam alam yang lain, asing, sunyi dan menakutkan.

Puasa dah dekat. Sama sama lah kita meningkatkan amal jariah kita di muka bumi Allah SWT ini.

Salam Ramadhan~~~

I Forgive You, and I'm Sorry too.

What is the key of happiness? Is that mean u got all the money? You have your mutual fund, bonds, saving, lots of fix assets. Or you have all the beloved ones besides you.

What if today some struck action come hit by you? Something that you cant imagine happening to you like you get into an accident, or maybe natural disaster at your place? It also can be that some investment turn to be down as far the bad economic situation or you must be get in to fraud scheme. If that happened to u, what will you do

As lucky I am, I’m not been with that situation yet and I hope I will not having that kind of situation cause I don’t want to. Ive been in some dramas that I don’t like very much like some mean girls talk shit bout me juz want to act their cooler that I am, or some bitches saying shit like I’m gonna steel their boyfriend or some friends that I trust turn out to be stab me from my behind

I wonder how im gonna move on with my life cause I know all these kind of people are always around me. I don’t know what I will do.

In spite all of these happened to me, it make me learns something new each and everyday. I know the process of learning will never end and here I am writing something that I don’t know what all is about.

Do u know that I talk to them? Those who hurts my feelings? Do u know why?

It is because I forgive them. I realized, in order to have a better life, to get a happier life, I start to think there is no use to do some revenge, to hate peoples cause it doesn’t make feels good.

I’m empty myself than start to think why is this happening? If I understand why the reason that their doing some in forgiveness action, I forgive them. I let them go with their mistakes and lost. I forgive but never forget. Yup, that’s me!

How to get the ultimate happiness while everyone is against you? No one have the answer. But sometimes, the thing that we can do is apologize. Then, let the past be the past. Other time, when we need to look our future, and know we think we’ve seen the picture, life still can surprise us

entri tiada tajuk

Terasa nak menaip. Jadi singgah sini untuk menaip. Sudah lama x meng update blog aku yang amat aku sayangi ini. Agak malas sebenarnya 2 3 menjak ini. Life di dunia yang nyata amat memerlukan aku tika ini.

Tiada mood.lagi.dah lah hujan.terasa macam depressed pulak.aku dah macam sarah pulak.asyik depressed je.boring.

Aku penat sebenarnya. Penat segala galanya. Hari ini hati aku amat keliru dengan insan yang berjantina lelaki. Malas betul nak fikir jalan penyelesaian nya.

Aku ambik langkah untuk follow the flow. Tapi kekadang flow aku banyak bump. Tak flow pun. Aku penat lagi. Penat mendengar pendapat orang tatkala aku tak meminta. Kali ini aku hanya mendiamkan diri. Aku diam sebab aku malas. Malas nak ambik tahu.

Sifat malas nak ambik tahu hal orang lain. Hal orang lain yang sibuk hal aku. Atau apa apa hal lah, menyebabkan aku menyepi 2 3 hari ini. Lebih seronok membaca novel novel mahupun majalah atau pun komik. Ya , itu semesti nya.

Aku merepek lagi rupanya. Ish. Ini lah terjadi kalau entri tak de topik spesific. Peduli apa aku. Blog aku. Sukati aku lah. ahahahaha

Free! Its free!

its a free gift. can u beleive it? of course everyone know that there is no such thing call free and u have to pay for it.

in this time, u have choises, either u want to buy, or invite ur freind to increase ur points and so on.

what are the gift that u can have?

it can be nintendo wii, iphone, and more!!!

what are u waiting for?

click here


Monday, August 17, 2009

I'm Back

Monday, August 17, 2009 0
I'm back guys! later i post a new post.
ehehe ;-)

Friday, July 31, 2009


Friday, July 31, 2009 1
i'm lost

sad. who's understand me?

Friday, July 24, 2009

Blair Waldorf sing a song

Friday, July 24, 2009 1
Good Girls Go Bad by Cobra Starship feat Leighton Meester

I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go
Good girls go bad

I know your type(Your type)
You're daddy's little girl
Just take a bite(One bite)
Let me shake up your world'
Cause just one night couldn't be so wrong
I'm gonna make you lose control

She was so shy
Till I drove her wild

I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go bad
You were hanging in the corner
With your five best friends
You heard that I was trouble
But you couldn't resist
I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go
Good girls go bad

I know your type(Your type)
Boy, you're dangerousYeah,
you're that guy(That guy)
I'd be stupid to trust
But just one night couldn't be so wrong
You make me wanna lose control

She was so shy
Till I drove her wild
I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go bad
I was hanging in the corner
With my five best friends
I heard that you were trouble
But I couldn't resist
I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go
Good girls go bad
Good girls go bad
Good girls go bad

Oh, she got away with the boys in the place
Treat 'em like they don't stand a chance
And he got away with the girls in the back
Acting like they're too hot to dance
Yeah, she got away with the boys in the place
Treat 'em like they don't stand a chance
And he got away with the girls in the back
Acting like they're too hot to dance

I make them good girls go bad(They don't stand a chance)
I make them good girls go
The good girls go bad, yeah
Good girls go bad
I was hanging in the corner
With my five best friends
I thought that you were trouble
But I couldn't resist

I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go bad
I make them good girls go
Good girls go bad
Good girls go bad
Good girls go


dah lama xupdate.

otak masih berfikir sesuatu sebenarnya.itu sebabnya malas nak menaip. tapi ini boleh jadi pesanan buat diri ku. dan juga yang lain.

hargailah masa yang ada sebaik nya.

p/s :xsabar nak tunggu ramadhan

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

i want Harry

Wednesday, July 8, 2009 1
am finished my internship at MITI past few days and finished key in my subject for this semester this morning and that means its time for me to struggle to strike a great pointer this time.



17 July is another date that i waited most.

its Harry Potter and tha Half Blood Prince release guys! Ive been following HP since the beginning.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
can u see the cute daniel when he was young back then?

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and The Order of Phenix
and this coming 17 july is
Harry Poter and The Half Blood Prince.

I cant wait!! ;-))

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Green Day- 21 Guns

Saturday, July 4, 2009 0

Do you know what's worth fighting for,

When it's not worth dying for?

Does it take your breath away

And you feel yourself suffocating?

Does the pain weigh out the pride?

And you look for a place to hide?

Did someone break your heart inside?

You're in ruins


One, 21 guns

Lay down your arms

Give up the fight

One, 21 guns

Throw up your arms into the sky,

You and I


When you're at the end of the road

And you lost all sense of control

And your thoughts have taken their toll

When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul

Your faith walks on broken glass

And the hangover doesn't pass

Nothing's ever built to last

You're in ruins


One, 21 guns

Lay down your arms

Give up the fight

One, 21 guns

Throw up your arms into the sky,

You and I


Did you try to live on your own

When you burned down the house and home?

Did you stand too close to the fire?

Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone

When it's time to live and let die

And you can't get another try

Something inside this heart has died

You're in ruins


One, 21 guns

Lay down your arms

Give up the fight

One, 21 guns

Throw up your arms into the sky (x2)

you and I.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

sorry from bottom of my heart

Thursday, July 2, 2009 0
i have to do something today. its very hard to me. beleive it. to tell him the truth. i try to not tell him but i know its wrong.i hope he understand what i tried to say. beleive it. its hard for me to do what i have done.

i'm really sorry.

Life Flowchart

i found something interesting in my mailbox. its a flowchart for a certain part in life. u should try. it can be accurate to u

click for larger image

btw, i got a sweet girl :-)

entri tiada tajuk tapi hati senang.

makan malam bersama another friend of mine yang very funny+understanding+loyal make me smile so bright. i luv her so much. a great night.

siap bluetooth theme lagi tue. hakhakhak.

btw, thanx for the cute dolphine ;-)

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