If only we have more times, if only we know when we gonna die, I bet we all appreciate everything happened each day in our life.
That exactly what the message from IF ONLY movie that I just finished watching just now. Samantha Andrews by Jeniffer Love Hweitt and Paul Nicholls as Ian Wyndmann is the main actress and actor.

Surely it a romantic movie genre and for me it really sweet in what Ian had done to Sam in term to express his love to her, appreciate her. Well of course it is very cliché, when you’ll losing something, you will appreciate more. Like Ian, got dream that his girlfriend gonna die at 11pm, he did everything just to make sure his girlfriend have a perfect day. Sharing memories where Ian live when he still a kid, going round at the London ferris wheel, make Sam’s graduation day special by let her orchestra mate playing music that Sam’s write. Bracelet is Ian gifts for graduation to Sam and he even tell Sam why he love her so much.
If only is not a the-notebook style but it still give a sweet-smile-happiness after you watching it.
It’s about giving people the most precious gift possible… time (Ian Wynndman, 2004)
P/s; somehow this movie helps to answer certain questions that loitering inside my beautiful mind. Glad coz am watching it.*smile*
Somehow I want to start a diary again.
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