that is one of the script sayin by horsedick.mpeg. in miss march movie. yup. that his name. i mean.. wat the hell ur name is so weird. plus, got .mpeg???? urghhh.

that orangish suit with chicks around him. horsedick dot mpeg.
in case u dont know what im sayin, here i put the poster of the movie.

cute tag line.
its a story of a couple, eugene and cindi, high school sweet heart plan to have their first time sex after prom night. eugene got nervous and drink to much till his fall from the stairs. then he got coma.
after 4 years of coma. he awake after hitted by his freind tucker cleigh using baseball bat.. he quite stupid dow. then, eugene want to find his girlfriend that turn out to be in palyboy magazine.cindi is miss march.
this scene, tucker hiding from firemans that want to kill him and the hot lesbians stil do their things, ignore everyone. ehehehe.
this is the first time eugene saw cindi in playboy magazine. he was so surprise.sad.mad.confuse.

in this movie, i can see that Zach Gregger the director want to say that the quality that u have with a woman or man is worthy than the quantity. if u can slept with thousand womans but still dont get the true love, still ur life is nothing. love comes in many ways. many shape. untill u cannot recognize it.
p/s: i give 3 star for this wrong with tucker anyway?
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