cari makan

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

almost there

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
end of the semester is around the corner. lot of things happened. lot of obstacles. lot of crappy stuff in lifes happened. lot of things to learns. live goes on.

my proposal fyp almost done. i just need to do some polish with my chapter 1 and chapter 3 later after im blogging. hehehe

and i missin my girls so badly and thanx god, we had chance to hang out tonite. cant wait! xD

assignements is done. carry mark are coming. cuak sioott.

final exams? of course like hell im not ready! ahaha. but will be, soon. need to repair my cgpa after some pitfalls happened in my life that affects it. stupid.

owh, juz come back from my current issue class and watching beautiful mind movie. a film bout John Nash. In taste of movie, that type of movie surely is Hallmark-type. but in a deep meanings of understanding, beautiful mind is a beautiful mind. credit to Dr evan.

talks.talks.talks. i love to chat recently. dont know why. miss golong punya pasal lah. never boring when have chit chat with her. ngeeeeeeee ;-)

pa gik o...

owh. my methodology. . ish!
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