cari makan

Thursday, December 31, 2009

my libra for 2010

Thursday, December 31, 2009 0
Year 2010 Career

The last year has probably presented more frustrations than triumphs in the work and money departments for you. Thankfully, it all turns around this year! There will be two eclipses -- one in January and one in July -- that will shake loose the situations you've been dealing with for a while now. In January, an eclipse in your Career House will make for distinct changes at your place of work. At first this change may be a cause for some concern: an increase in responsibilities, for example. Don't worry, you can handle it. You'll have the opportunity to show off your skills in new ways that are more likely to garner attention.

The second eclipse will finish the course set by the first one, and will likely propel you into a new job or a new position of prominence in the old one. Although these developments may come as a surprise to you, in hindsight they will have been a result of events that have been brewing for a while. If you think about where your work life has been the last couple of years, it's obvious that some kind of change was called for, even if it isn't immediately obvious.

As far as actual cash on hand, although it isn't likely there will be any windfalls or lottery wins, there will be a distinct sense of improvement developing gradually over time. June through August will show some distinct improvements.

Year 2010 Romantic

First of all, when it comes to anything scary you might have heard about Saturn being in your sign this year -- don't believe the hype! Yes, there will be a new sense of seriousness about things, but nothing you can't handle. And one of the nice things about this new seriousness is that it may well bring some serious romance into your life!

If you are currently in a committed relationship, June through August will find you involved in a new depth of communication with your partner. Knowing what you both want and finding ways to get there together will be of new importance to both of you. If you find yourself looking for love, much of the year will bring newfound attention. Mars in your House of Love Received will bring surprising attention from both new players and those who may have not expressed an interest before. If you are seeking a mate, this is good news. If you already have one, this could be good news or it could just be awkward.

Neptune will continue to cast a fuzzy shadow over your romantic judgment for much of the year. Being as it is in your Romance Sector, it has undoubtedly made for some interesting circumstances in your love life the last couple of years, and possibly some less-than-wise choices for yourself. But hey, what's a little romance without a little delusion? Although those conditions will continue to be in place through the year, both experience and supporting transits will help you to avoid the worst of the haziness, and you'll still be able to enjoy that Neptune buzz!

so, what yours?
i am totally ready for 2010. this year, im not gonna try to survive in 2010, but try to live it! yeee haaaaaaaa!

Monday, December 28, 2009

PEPEK Semerbak

Monday, December 28, 2009 2

hmm.kau pikir apa tuh?

miss march!

"horsedick.mpeg rulez the muthafuckin world. when my last cd dropped, muthafuckers got killed! KILLEEDD!!!"

that is one of the script sayin by horsedick.mpeg. in miss march movie. yup. that his name. i mean.. wat the hell ur name is so weird. plus, got .mpeg???? urghhh.

that orangish suit with chicks around him. horsedick dot mpeg.

in case u dont know what im sayin, here i put the poster of the movie.

cute tag line.

its a story of a couple, eugene and cindi, high school sweet heart plan to have their first time sex after prom night. eugene got nervous and drink to much till his fall from the stairs. then he got coma.

after 4 years of coma. he awake after hitted by his freind tucker cleigh using baseball bat.. he quite stupid dow. then, eugene want to find his girlfriend that turn out to be in palyboy magazine.cindi is miss march.

this scene, tucker hiding from firemans that want to kill him and the hot lesbians stil do their things, ignore everyone. ehehehe.

this is the first time eugene saw cindi in playboy magazine. he was so surprise.sad.mad.confuse.

sweet couple high school. cindi and eugene.

in this movie, i can see that Zach Gregger the director want to say that the quality that u have with a woman or man is worthy than the quantity. if u can slept with thousand womans but still dont get the true love, still ur life is nothing. love comes in many ways. many shape. untill u cannot recognize it.
p/s: i give 3 star for this wrong with tucker anyway?

my 2009


new obstacles.

new friends.

laugh all night

friend forever

boys sucks




abg muhd faaiz muzaffar.


new experience



worm kill me.

so do trojan.

new chapter again.

gossip girl

the city








men from mars

woman from venus





new year.

my life seem upside down through this year.
new hope. new aim. new goals.

2009 will end soon enough.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

tanpa kekasihku

Saturday, December 26, 2009 2
sing by Agnes Monica.

“To love is to risk not being loved in return.

To hope is to risk pain.

To try is to risk failure,

but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.”

Friday, December 25, 2009

percintaan abu dan bedah

Friday, December 25, 2009 0
suatu petang yang mendung macam nak hujan..

bedah : kau x sayang aku ke abg abu?
abu : sayang. kau tahu bukan macam mana perasaan ku pada mu..
bedah : jadi,kenapa kau tak mahu mengahwini ku?
abu : sayangku bedah, kahwin itu tak penting.
bedah : maksudmu abg abu?
abu :xpenting lah.
bedah : jadi kita berkasih sayang ini kenapa??

bedah terus menangis. dan menangis.

bedah : xsangka abg abu sanggup buat begini pada Bedah. Abg abu curi hati bedah, dan kemudian abg abu hancurkan hati bedah. Pas tu, abg abu cantum balik hati bedah dan kemudian hancurkan lagi. remuk hati bedah, abg abu. Apa hati bedah ini puzzle ke apa?

dan kemudian bedah menyambung tangisannya, dan abu. terpinga pinga.

abu: apa yang pecah? apa yang cantum??

p/s: percintaan ini tiada berkaitan dengan yang hidup atau yang mati.sekadar luahan yang hendak dikongsi. mana lah tau, aziz m osman ke, ahmad idham ke nak ambik aku jadi penulis skrip.ehehehe

emo la pulak malam2 macam ini. need some adrenaline rise!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009 0
i retweet this coz i think it worth to share. here i share again.

Genius people talk about ideas, average people talk about event , poor minded people talk about people.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Tuesday, December 22, 2009 0
We spend a whole life worrying about the future,

Planning for the future,

Trying to predict the future

As if figuring it out, will somehow cushion the blow

But the future is always changing,

The future is the home our biggest fears,

And our wildest hopes.

But 1 thing is certain,

When it finally reveals itself,

The future is never the way we imagined it.

Grey meredith, 2009

Marley and Me, touch my heart.

Life is unexpected and it is not according to your plan, exactly.
That is my first thought comes to mind after I watched Marley and Me. Jennifer Anniston as Jenny, Owen Wilson as John and Marley are the lead character. It is a movie based on a novel.

This movie is a story of a life John and Jenny with their aggressive and hyperactive dog, Marley. Marley chew everything even their wall, floor and eat his food 3 times a day. Moreover, he gonna eat and eat it again whenever he starving. In spite all the craziness with the dog, Marley scared of thunderstorm.

John is a columnist. John writes everything that he sees, he thinks, in his point of view.

marley chewing John's sofa.

What make this movie so great? It is a life of a person movie. When u don’t plan have a baby, u have it. When u plans to be a reporter, u becomes a columnist. It just life. Relationship is the main thing in life. Relationship with god, family, friends, co-workers, and even animal. These combinations make imperfect life look perfect. Laughing and crying together. Timeless.

Should watch it. A great movie. I even cried when Marley died.

if u guys do not know what movie ive been talking about, here, i put a trailer for u guys.

A dog has no use for fancy cars..or big homes or designer clothes.
A waterlogged stick will do just fine.
A dog doesn’t care if u a rich or poor, clever or dull, smart or dumb,
Give then ur heart, and he’ll give u his.
How many people can u say that about?
How many people can make u feel rare and pure and special?
How many people can make u feel …extraordinary? -Marley and Me-

P/s: i learnt that plan gradually is useless because we can expect everything. Instead, future is always the unexpected one. Life is imperfect. And it always not fair. It is up and downs like a roller coaster. Therefore, I just set, my goals for the future, not planning it too details.

Sometimes, surprises can be good.

Monday, December 21, 2009

the beautiful of Mathematic

Monday, December 21, 2009 0
1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111=123456789 87654321



Is represented as:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.

H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K

8+1+18+4+23+ 15+18+11 = 98%

K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E

11+14+15+23+ 12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96%

A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E

1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100%

look how far the love of God will take you:


12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%

Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:

While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude willget you there,
It's the Love of God that will put you over the top....

if only, best romantic movie.

If only we have more times, if only we know when we gonna die, I bet we all appreciate everything happened each day in our life.
That exactly what the message from IF ONLY movie that I just finished watching just now. Samantha Andrews by Jeniffer Love Hweitt and Paul Nicholls as Ian Wyndmann is the main actress and actor.

Surely it a romantic movie genre and for me it really sweet in what Ian had done to Sam in term to express his love to her, appreciate her. Well of course it is very cliché, when you’ll losing something, you will appreciate more. Like Ian, got dream that his girlfriend gonna die at 11pm, he did everything just to make sure his girlfriend have a perfect day. Sharing memories where Ian live when he still a kid, going round at the London ferris wheel, make Sam’s graduation day special by let her orchestra mate playing music that Sam’s write. Bracelet is Ian gifts for graduation to Sam and he even tell Sam why he love her so much.

this is a scene that ian show to sam his favourite place when he was a kid.

If only is not a the-notebook style but it still give a sweet-smile-happiness after you watching it.

It’s about giving people the most precious gift possible… time (Ian Wynndman, 2004)

P/s; somehow this movie helps to answer certain questions that loitering inside my beautiful mind. Glad coz am watching it.*smile*

Somehow I want to start a diary again.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Wednesday, December 16, 2009 0
miss s: still contact her?
me: yeah.y?
miss s: u better stop.
miss z: ahahahaha
me: what???

that so childish la friend.please la..

Monday, December 14, 2009

waiting for Sherlock Holmes.

Monday, December 14, 2009 1
movie that i cant wait.. its Sherlock Holmes.

yeah, i am his fan. it schedule to be playing in the cinema this xmas but i dont know when it is playing in my place. guess, i keep waitin then.

i do admire sherlock holmes since i was a kid back then. hope this movie can bring the fire back on tracks bout holmes, not like the boring in the cartoon.
hope so.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

future is coming soon.

Sunday, December 13, 2009 1
tadi lepak makan makan ngan my bff. suddenly.

miss z : r u sure u gonna further master after u graduating?
me : donno.wo bu lui.u?
miss z: donno too.nak practice but it look like stress.still thinking.


bila dah masuk usia 21 ni, banyak yang aku fikirkan semenjak 2 menjak. semua benda serius weh. muskil aku.

dulu aku ada plan.plan hidup la dikatakan. tapi, sekarang, dapat tak kau bayangkan, di mana kau bangun, lepas tu kau berkobar kobar nak buat itu dan ini. banyak sangat rasanya benda atau perkara yang kau nak buat. nak buat itu. nak buat ini.

serius banyak!

sekarang plan aku dah berubah.simple plan.complicated plan.semua plan aku dah berubah.dan otak aku xberhenti nak berpk.

apesal kat aku ni ea?

ini entri serius.harap maaf.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

sorry seems to be the hardest word.

Saturday, December 12, 2009 0
im done watching Private Practice for today episode on ntv7 just now and suddenly im thinking bout the word sorry.

for me, i said sorry if only i meant it.. and the reasons to meant it can be a lot. seriously a lot and one of it, is if u in situation fighting some stuff with ur sisters, u said sorry just because u value the relationship more than everything.yeah. i do consider bout that all the time.

in spite all of the 'sorry' things, forgiving is the main priority in why people saying sorry because they want forgiveness. i really take time when i want to forgive someone, but till now, i forgive everyone that have do mistake to me. even it is the cruelest thing ever.i dont know why.

i guess to achieve the ultimate happiness, that why i forgive.beside, i dislike revenge and hateness. really hard to myself to say sorry for myself. it is really hardest word to tell myself. in everything that i do. i never say sorry.

eventhough that i failed in exams, or failed in a relationship, or even failed to get a job, or failed my parents hope... i never sorry for my self. instead, i give my own punishment to my self. since i was a little kid till now.sigh.

whats wrong with me??

yet.i still learning and continue learning.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

apa yang membezakan kita?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009 0

Kita.kamu.sama tapi tak serupa.

Apa yang serupa? Apa yang tak sama?

Spesies? Homo sapiens.

Warna kulit? Putih, gelap, kuning langsat, sawo matang

Rambut? Lurus, ikal mayang, teknik rebonding

Jenis darah? Darah A, O,B, AB

Jadi, apa yang membezakan kita?

Sehingga kita saling memerlukan?

Saling bergaduh?

Saling berebut?

Saling sayang menyanyangi?

Cara kau berfikir. Ya. Itu tak sama. Cara kau pandang sesuatu itu. Ya itu yang membezakan kita. Dugaan datang tanpa henti dan datang dalam bentuk yang berbeza dengan tujuan yang sama tetapi dalam percaturan masa yang berbeza. Ada yang lambat, ada yang cepat. Matang nya engkau di lihat dari segi keputusan yang di buat. Respons yang di beri. Oleh itu, cara kau berfikir sama ada kau seorang yang optimis, pesimis atau apa apa saja, itu lah yang membezakan kita.

Aku boleh lihat gelas yang berisi setengah susu itu, separa penuh, dan kau mungkin lihat separa kosong.

Apa yang mempengaruhi cara kau berfikir ialah ilmu. Ilmu tak pernah habis. Makin kau cari, makin kau telaah, makin banyak ilmu. Makin banyak yang kau tahu. Makin banyak persoalan timbul dalam benak kau. Makin banyak penyelesaian yang kau jumpa. Oleh itu, ilmu itu penting. Ilmu yang membezakan kita.

Jadi, kenapa kau kedekut dengan ilmu kau? Kenapa kau tak boleh share kah?

Kalau kau ada sebiji epal, dan memberi epal itu kepada manusia yang lain, kau akan kehilangan epal itu. Tapi sekiranya kau mengajar 1+4-9x18+2 kau memberi ilmu dan dapat pemahaman. Kan bagus.

Kenapa fikiran kau sungguh cetek. Buka lah mata. Bukalah minda. Mana golongan hebat yang di sarankan oleh kerajaan?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

louboutins. my new fav song!

Sunday, December 6, 2009 0
Taking back my love...
You said you changed, But still nothing.
You're still the same, I'm just a part time lover.
And I'm to blame, Should've went away.
But yet I stayed, With a part time lover
See, somedays you will love me.
Then you don't, then you do, then you won't.
Then you're here, then you're gone.
I'm alone
Now you got me stressing out On the phone.
But it's the last time,
I'm movin' on,
I'm throwing on my Louboutins
I'm throwing on my Louboutins...
I left the status,
Changed everything.
No more 818 For the part time lover.
What goes around, comes back around.
And then you get what you deserve.
You part time lover.
See, somedays you will love me.
Then you don't, then you do, then you won't.
Then you're here, then you're gone. I'm alone.
Now you got me stressing out On the phone.
But it's the last time, I'm movin' on,
I'm throwing on my Louboutins
I'm throwing on my Louboutins...
Watch this straight bottoms,
And the back of my jeans Watch me go, bye baby.
Don't know what you got until it's gone.
Tellin' lies,
It's over, see...
Watch that benz exit That driveway
I'm throwing on my Louboutins...
Watch me walk it out,
Walk it out, walk it out.
Walk this ride above the house.
Walk it out.
Boy, watch me walk it out, walk it out.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Saturday, December 5, 2009 1






why did she can make it and not me?????

future is coming very soon enough.
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