cari makan

Thursday, March 26, 2009

good or bad incident?

Thursday, March 26, 2009
i dont know how to start but i have to start anywhere rite? last last nite sumthing was happened in my apartment. the place that i stayed in my ipt. surprisingly, there a guy in here!!!


surprisingly. non of us, was noticed that there is a guy, staying in his scandal room. wtf that guy!
my advice ti horny guy outhere, please book a hotel room. im sure the female will satisfied more.

end of story.

the next day, im still trauma ok. but still can having fun with my friends. we went out for a dinner at KIA KFC and also send one of my friends back to kL. well, air fee's quite cheap rite now rite?

look at dat pic. this is a proove that cik fatimah atirah is in excited state to back home. hahaha.
siap sempat pose lagi.

tyra, shie nak ole2 ek hehehe




org laki ya nang terer dalam hal2 menyelinap masok!!!

patut d buang univerct...

betol x?????

yg suka oren dan puteh


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