then,i watched talentime on the next day. im a big fan of yasmin ahmad movie. ive watched all her movie since rabun,sepet,gubra,mukhsin, and the latest is talentime.cant wait for muallaf.
in scale 1 to 10, i give 9 hahaha. as all we know, yasmin ahmads movie really sure the humanity, pure. In talentime, the word very poetry with the scene like very pure. ah quite hard to explain. u should watch it.
ive fallen in love with the songs in this movie like 'just one boy' especiallywhether in english version or malay version.
moreover, there is a handsome boy name kahoe in this movie. waaaaaaaaah.. xrugi wa cakap samalu hehehe

banyak gler orang gi nangga. que beli tiket sampei depan pintu lif. haih. nasib hadi dah bli tiket awal.
after watching the fast n furious. we all went for steambot hehehe.
we ate till full hahaha.
really happy when full ;p
thats all ;p
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