11 feb. my luvly little sis off to alr star, today. her flight at 12.45pm and i got taklimat latihan industri at 12. sempat ka?
btw, sempaaat. hahahaha
orang tua- tua selau berkata, bila terlampau banyak sangat gelak, akhirnya menangis. shie excited gler nak g anta zie ke airport wishing her bon voyage and after that, there was incident make me annoys toO much! hate kappa!
back to story. story apa ek? owh.. zie.. miss u already huhu
1st of all, thanx to faE for letting me to borrow her cam for the day..
dik, ive got cam, lets take pic before u go
wat? come on..
haa.. muka zie yang excited nak pegi + xcukup tido... siapa suruh tido lewat ish2..
my dad suggest we went to serapi 1st to take a lunch. good idea ayah! im so starving that moment. beside no need to keluar duit sendiri for lunch hehehe
zie and my mom.. (muka zie tengah tahan sakit gigi..cian)
after we all went to lunch, my dad drove to Kuching International Airport, KIA then zie went to check in herself.
nervous tak zie? hehe
1 bag only? cukup ke?
AK 5201~ Check in before 12.
emm.. nak buat apa ek while waiting?
ofcourse la amik gamba hehehe
shie and zie sitting down at starbuck
more.. more.. i want more pic..
zie, mom,and shie..smile =)
hold on! whos taking the pict?
owh.. my dad, no wonder he's not in the pict..

when the time is come to check in.. zie pun masuklah nak meng check in kan diri nya...
next step after zie check in, my mom and i g lah kat anjung view tu for the last time..
haa.. tu zie...!
wat is she doing?
looking for wat? toilet or us?
zie! up here la!
zie!!! ooo zie!!

fuh! finally..nampak pun muka i yang kiut ni kat atas hehe
ceh! melambai2 pulak dia.. xpe dia..
tata zie.. bon voyage..
have fun there!
flying kiss from us to u :D
p/s: u know wat? kinda weird went to sent zie to airport,mostly, they send shie to the airportnot zie... well, seasons have changed.. have fun in zie!