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Saturday, September 27, 2008

taught of life #1

Saturday, September 27, 2008 0
ive done watching one tree hill, and it will be heavy rain outside of my room windows. Theres many thing that i realized that im lost in past few months. I hope i'll find it again in a anew chapter of my life with a new definintion.

Aidilfitri is around the corner, the day when everyone 'bermaaf-maafan'. I dont know what the purpose of that actually, doing mistakes the day before and asking forgiveness when it is 1syawal. But i can conclude, raya is for forgiveness day and 'ziarah menzirahi'. still, sound very cliche to me. The question here is whether u willing to forgive or not. Have u ever felt that it is too easy for u to forgive the starngers in ur life but it is hard to forgive someone that u love.

In a mean time also, i learned again, the value of friendship. These past few months, i have the taughest months in my life, especially when come down and talk bout friendship. I'm one of a kind that friends really matter to me. Look like my friends is one part of my life. But who knows, life is like a wheel, sumtimes u in top and sumtimes u at bottom. Sumones is betrayed me. Stab me from the back. Till now, i cant forgive dat bloody person. Guess, the kindness of dat person really have touched my heart before and maybe thats why it is hard for me to forgive her. Still, im trying and hoping to forgive her coz i know, everyone make mistakes. U just need to learn from mistaken u have done. Yet, not to be strong, im still have a bunch of a avery good friends that always trying, caring and always be there for me. Thanx you guys, i really approciate it.

Love. I have a new define bout love nowadays. Its not that i'm not beleive in tru love again, but being in a arelationship have taught me to be mature again. I've fallen in luv and being heart broken in d same time but now, confusing my status.haha. But dont worry, loyal,trust,respect,space,tolerate, care, and love will always with me. and to him, i'm still care bout u so much. trust me.

Hows my life doing on this latel? i can say, all of it, there are only bumpy in d road..what can i say, life is hard. There is no easy life. i've been confusing and maybe literally having identity crisis. i'm searching once again, what i want to be. What i will be in next 5 years? next10 years? what i will do after i realized my dream come true? did i have a dream?i do! and still try to reach it. Here, humbly, down to earth, i'm represent my self sayin to myself all the best in my own life. I hope and pray for my self, i find my own peace and find out what i dream for in this life.

blog or vlog?

which 1 is much better?
blogging as we all know u can write everything in ur mind then anyone can read it
vlogging. just tape ur video and post it, and anyone can watched.. which 1 is much better?
i have full facilities to blogging but i hate to write coz i love to talk thats why im considering vlog but i have no cam or even vid cam..
still...which 1 is much better?

Friday, September 26, 2008

.funny stuff.

Friday, September 26, 2008 0
have u ask urself what kind of homo sapiens are u?
with or without brains? with or without beauty?
there are commercials u should watch for entertain ur day ^-^

in the end

in the end..
i still alone...

is it true?

You Are An ISFP
The Artist

You are a gifted artist or musician (though your talents may be dormant right now).
You enjoy spending your free time in nature. You are good with animals and children.
Simply put, you enjoy beauty in all its forms. You live for the simple pleasures in life.
Gentle, sensitive, and compassionate - you are good at recognizing people's unspoken needs.

In love, you are quiet and sweet yet very passionate. You love easily.
You have an underlying love for all living things, and it's easy for you to accept someone into your heart.

At work, you do best in an unconventional position. You express yourself well and can work with almost anyone.
You would make a good veterinarian, pediatrician, or composer.

How you see yourself: Sympathetic, kind, and communicative

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Incompetent, insecure, and overly sensitive

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Saturday, September 20, 2008 1
aidilfitri is around the corner.... but my mood for hari xmuncul muncul lagi.. hmmm...
maybe still thinking bout my bloody assignment!!! haish!



Its been a while i'm not being a malay series fans after the Vice Versa that played on tv3, after i watched Goda on online 8tv, i fall in luv with it. Its a new style for the drama genre and i think we should give credit to the director and the script writer. I know its been too late to talk bout it but it is one of my favorite drama series nowadays (^-^)
Sazzy Falak as Sanya Salleh beauty with the attitude, Dilla Syahirah as Adela and Lash Mukhtar as Burhan. Owh, not to forget, Mr M the popular anonymous 'love coach' who solves love problems for guys through the internet from his blog "Goda".

KAMI the MOVIE:. 1 October

Attention to KAMI's fans!!! KAMI the MOVIE is on the cinema this 1 Oct! hahaha FIY, i am also watching Kami the series through online huhu guess nowadays, internet do better than TV isn'it? ok, teenage movie “KAMI” follows a group of five friends as they squeeze in as much fun and reckless abandonment on their road to self-discovery before entering a new stage in their lives – higher education.

Lynn is a form five student who juggles her studies while helping her mother at their food stall and hangs out with Ali,Abu, Sofie, and Adii. Although they have made her part of their circle, Lynn is holding back a dark past from her buddies. Unknown to them Lynn and her mother had moved from their small town home to start afresh in the city away from a persistent small-time drug dealer, Boy, whom Lynn used to run errands for to gain extra pocket money.

To complicate matters, Lynn writes under the pseudonym Teka Teki for her own, well known fanzine called KAMI and has recently contributed a scathing write-up on Ali’s band in a local music magazine.
As she struggles to keep her secrets under wraps, Lynn soon learns that they are all hiding something from each other.

I dont want to miss it, for sure!!!

The Amazing Race Asia 3:.AXN

I've been waiting for the amazing race to begin againand here it comes hehehe. you'd know what? ive always been dreamin to be 1 of the contestant of the shows..wondering who is my partner?? hmm?

Okay, here is my top 3 favorite teams in this season for The Amazing Race Asia 3 (TARA). From left, his name is Geoff Rodriguez, a 26 years ol model dating with Tisha Silang, pic in the right. She is a business development manager, age 32. both of this team from Philipines.

Ida Nerina actress, director and producers from malaysia with her partner, Tania Khan who is 36 years old lady and working as property developer. Both of them are Malaysian Team. yeah.. Malaysia Boleh!!

Last but not least, my top 3 are Pailin and Natalie. The beauty Queens. In the left side, her name is Pailin Rungratanasunthorn and she is 25 years old. While in the right side, her name is Natalie Glebova. Both of them is from Thailand and they were miss earth thailand 2006(Pailin) and miss universe 2005( natalie)

Friday, September 12, 2008

econometrisc kill!

Friday, September 12, 2008 0
last thursday i was sit for my econometrics mid term...
it kill dowh!!!!
tension siot!!!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

eagle eye ... damn want to watch!

Saturday, September 6, 2008 0
Two strangers become the pawns of a mysterious woman they have never met, but who seems to know their every move. Realizing they are being used to further her diabolical plot, they must work together to outwit the woman before she has them killed.

i just watch the trailer and i just feel want to watch it!!

another 'filem barat' that created from hard imagination i guess (^o^)'?

but, it seem like an awesome movie!!!

26 of september 2008 the movie will release (sure not in Msia)

citizens of Malaysia (especially me *wink*) be patient! hekhekhek

Eagle eye was produced by Steven Speilberg, Ed McDonnell and Roberto Orci and directed by D.J Caruso. Starring by Shia LaBeouf, Michelle Monaghan, Rosario Dawson, Anthony Azizi, Billy Bob Thornton

Shia LaBeouf

antara 2 cinta...

hayati liriknya.....

dilema melayu

pernah x anda terfikir bahawa dunia ini x adil? di penuhi oleh orang2 yg xreti nak bersyukur?
atau org2 yg sentiasa tamak xpernah puas? dan mcm2 lagi..
diri ini terpanggil tuk meluahkan pendapat tentang dilema melayu zaman glabalisasi ini. Dengan kencah arus dunia dengan isu harga minyak yang turun naik,ekonomi negara yg kurang stabil, politik negara yg makin hari makin bertambah kusut, akhlak remaja yg makin merundum, pelbagai ragam dan repond boleh kita jumpa. Dilema melayu yg dimaksudkan oleh diri ini ialah 'yg penting di belakang kan, yang kurang penting di dahulukan'

apa yg dimaksudkan oleh diri ini ialah... kita boleh mengambil 1 contoh di suatu negara yang politik nya agak mencabar pd trimester ini di mana seorang pemimpim Dato A merebut kawasan tuk menjadi wakil rakyat serta menakluk negara ini melawan Dato A. Akhirnya Dato A yg agressif menang majoriti. Apa yg hendak diperkata kan disini ialah bukan nya pasal Dato A vs Dato A tetapi kemenangan majoriti yg kebanyakan undi melayu. diri ini nak bertanya, apa pembangunan negara ini increase atau decrease di bwh naungan kepimpinan Dato A yg kurang agressif? salahkah apa yg dilakukannya? Adakah kita perlukan perubahan tika segalanya dalam keadaan stabil? bak kata nabil... lu pikir la sendiri...itu lah manusia...xpernah puas...

Kurang mengerti? contoh seterusnya... jika anda mempunyai komitmen dengan seseorang yg telah berbulan atau bertahun lamanya bermadu kasih dan sayang.. perlukah anda mencari yang lain dengan alasan hendakkan suatu perubahan? apa yang ada di hadapan mata, yg telah dikecapi, sukar di hargai... kenapa yg xpasti menjadi pilihan?

yang penting di belakangkan,
yang kurang penting, di hadapankan...
renung-renungkan lah sendiri....

ramadhan datang lagi...

masih belum terlamabat lagi kan tuk wish selamat datang ramadhan...
moga ramadhan kali ini, memberi pengajaran kepada diriku dan semua muslimin dan muslimat..

bila berpuasa... banyak pantang larang nya.. bukan hanya menahan lapar dan dahaga dari terbitnya fajar hingga terbenam nya matahari serta berniat pada mlm hari nya, tetapi.. puasa itu juga menahan diri dari sifat amarah, bersabar, memperbanyakkan ibadah serta menghapuskan dosa dosa kita di dunia ini..

salam ramadhan


kepala ku kusut..
tension nya!!!!
dgn masalah ku..
dgn econometrics ku (bloody killer paper dis sem)
dgn my mom yg xsehat...

hebat nya dugaan-Mu tuhanku...
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