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Saturday, September 27, 2008

taught of life #1

Saturday, September 27, 2008
ive done watching one tree hill, and it will be heavy rain outside of my room windows. Theres many thing that i realized that im lost in past few months. I hope i'll find it again in a anew chapter of my life with a new definintion.

Aidilfitri is around the corner, the day when everyone 'bermaaf-maafan'. I dont know what the purpose of that actually, doing mistakes the day before and asking forgiveness when it is 1syawal. But i can conclude, raya is for forgiveness day and 'ziarah menzirahi'. still, sound very cliche to me. The question here is whether u willing to forgive or not. Have u ever felt that it is too easy for u to forgive the starngers in ur life but it is hard to forgive someone that u love.

In a mean time also, i learned again, the value of friendship. These past few months, i have the taughest months in my life, especially when come down and talk bout friendship. I'm one of a kind that friends really matter to me. Look like my friends is one part of my life. But who knows, life is like a wheel, sumtimes u in top and sumtimes u at bottom. Sumones is betrayed me. Stab me from the back. Till now, i cant forgive dat bloody person. Guess, the kindness of dat person really have touched my heart before and maybe thats why it is hard for me to forgive her. Still, im trying and hoping to forgive her coz i know, everyone make mistakes. U just need to learn from mistaken u have done. Yet, not to be strong, im still have a bunch of a avery good friends that always trying, caring and always be there for me. Thanx you guys, i really approciate it.

Love. I have a new define bout love nowadays. Its not that i'm not beleive in tru love again, but being in a arelationship have taught me to be mature again. I've fallen in luv and being heart broken in d same time but now, confusing my status.haha. But dont worry, loyal,trust,respect,space,tolerate, care, and love will always with me. and to him, i'm still care bout u so much. trust me.

Hows my life doing on this latel? i can say, all of it, there are only bumpy in d road..what can i say, life is hard. There is no easy life. i've been confusing and maybe literally having identity crisis. i'm searching once again, what i want to be. What i will be in next 5 years? next10 years? what i will do after i realized my dream come true? did i have a dream?i do! and still try to reach it. Here, humbly, down to earth, i'm represent my self sayin to myself all the best in my own life. I hope and pray for my self, i find my own peace and find out what i dream for in this life.


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