Well, I’m not born like this, surely I can say, I turn fully private person on july 2009 and it go on until now. So many things had happened. I still remember back than I used to play futsal with my roommates during my matriculation year. Then I proceed to myuniversity life. Ive got my own lappy. aspire 2920. I guess it was a gift from my daddy coz I got myself in, well, I remember also he also made promised before that.
Time fly by. My lappy was my best friend if I got bored in Seroja. Well,if who ever know how seroja look like, u will know how bored it is. Ive
got my friends also. The best. But lappy, he accompanied me during sick and happy.listening songs, tons of games, thousands of movies,uncountable assignments and so on. Jasa mu, takkan ku lupa. My broadband? Oh yes, I ask my dad to buy it for my fyp ehehehe. He help me a lot to google any information that I need.
University life taught you how to live.is it true? Yes, I think. You know why, 50% u learnt how to score an A in a subject. How to get dean lis
ts. How to maintain or raise up ur cgpa. But the other 50% is how u get the goals. How u handle stress. How u handle datelines. How u handle some crazy chick with her little drama. How u handle people that stab behind ur back. How u handle cheaters, free rider and so on. Life is hard.never easy.
How do I survive? Ive got my important people around me. Not forget my family, but my friends also being there for me when im having my hard time.
The ladies, you guys always bring laughter to me.cheerish my day and night. Jokes, study, fooling around, cries, argue is like a habit to us. Dinner together every night is a must. There so many memories till I cant write it down coz im sure if I do, I will never finish. From seroja, we move to Alamanda. Well, one of us go to cempaka but we remain contact with each other and still catching up with each other. How come I can forget a person name Farah Adibah Esa that always make me smile? How come I can forget a person name Nurjannah Arbi that always be there whatever happened to u? how come I can forget a person name Zakirah Taufek that her characters almost look alike me. And how come I can forget a person name Fatimah Atirah Mohamad that always make a scene around us, and the spoilt one? Seriously, you guys really cherish my day.

the ladies
When I moved to Alamanda, ive lot spend time myself with the ladies, but when all of us getting busy for the final year, ive closed to someone which is Siti Amirah Arbi. You are the genius lamb, Capri. At first, u surprised me. Im sure, UPM had changed u a lot, become mature, wiser,and full of wisdom. All my happiness, and sadness I share with u. well, we almost create a scene too back then. Memories. Haha.

the besties
At the time being that im grow up and still growing, Sharifah Nadzirah and Siti noorazura also be there for me. Ups and downs like a roller coaster but we still have time with each other. I also get know someone special in my life. Zuraida Sapong. She is a libra like me, and we share the same birthday. How cool is that? It easy to talk to her coz she got me. I can talk to her in our language like screaming and yelling in the car arguing about some men but we not fighting. We can jokes harshly coz we know that aint hurt anybody heart. We hate the same girls coz they annoys us. Hope we not fall to the same guy.*finger cross* I miss u B. am aint lie.

Forgot to mention, I do have best memories too with some of my coursemate. Nurul Amirah, Siti hajar,Siti Khadijah, Naziemah, NurIdayu, and Aimi Mahiriah. In the class, they like my bestfriend. Study together, assignments together, even poret together. Ahaha.

miss V, S and B ngee~~~
So, do u know what is my purpose of life? To be happy.yes.simple isn’t it. But im not gonna answer like that during my interview session if they ask me, surely they not ganna give me a damn job , and ask me to get marry. But its true, I a simple person that enjoy a simple life. Wake up in the morning, having breakfast, then off to work. Lunch and then hi-tea in the evening, and taking my dinner. If I married, I’ll spend my time with my hubby and kids at night.well I still single, not married yet so night is always for my self. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have dreams, goals and ambition ok!
But life is not about happy it self. When u happy, u will sad. That what yin yang concept. Balanced. That what Islam been thaught, kesederhanaan. Kalau kita bersederhana, maka kita tidak akan kecewa. Rite now, im not gonna said im searching myself, but I am creating my self. Cause my life lie in my hand. Everyone have their own path. There are friends of mine become teacher, trainee, doing part time and me? Well, like I said, each of us start to live in reality. Everything is not like before. Changing is good.It is not matter to me as long each of us can be happy and enjoy spending time with loves one.
Ask most people what they want out of life, and the answer’s simple.. to be happy
Maybe it’s this expectation, though,the wanting to be happy..that just keeps us from ever getting there.
Maybe the more we try and will ourselves to states of bliss, the more confused we get.. to the point where we don’t recognize ourselves.
Instead, we just keep smiling.. trying like hell to be the happy people we wish we were. Until eventually it hits us, its been there all along.. not in our dreams or hope.. but in the known.. the comfortable..the familiar.. (Grey,season 6)
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