cari makan

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

hate betrayal!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Here I am again.. writing wat inside my complex brain huhu(is it complex?) ok, there nothing much that I want to say especially when I’m in my sis house. On 2nd sem break ago, I also staying in her house cause I want some new adventure in mylifebut it ended that her car that I drove hit by someone. Now? I did not expect much cause afraid to trouble everyone else, I just sit down n follow the flow .. I can say it part of my journey of life…

Actually, I watched Awake few hours ago actor by haden n actress by Jessica alba. This movie just give me an idea to write something. Its about human behavior that I hate most. Betray. I hate betrayal. How do u feel if u really trust someone and that someone breach ur trustworthy? Anger. Revenge.

Ok, I can give few example here, if u are a doctor who have a patient that ur own friend. He trusted u so much untik he only want u become his surgeon for his heart transplant. And what the doctor did? Failed the surgery to sold the heart to the black market? How could u?! How about the parents that wait outside the operation theatre? Wife? Girlfriend maybe? kids? friends? Crying cause was thought the surgery was fail.. but the truth is, the doctor have betray the trustworthy given to the patient because of money…

Other example can I say is.. in a relationship, there must be trustworthy wrap with the love to make the relationship workin out. What happen if u see ur girl or ur boy is cheating on u? it really hurt rite?

But why… human still want to betray? Some people might say, human have right to choose what best for his/herself. And I wonder, what is the best actually if u hurting people to get ur own happiness. that selfish!

What can I say..its human and its colour of life.

p/s : dpt ilham dr nengok tb sebenarnya hehe



hey dear..
kinda borink with ur life ha..
writing about Awake..
example.. example again..


owh cita ya.. tauk mek ko..
best2... ktk penah experience camya nya juak ka? waah... bes juak..

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