cari makan
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
hate betrayal!
Actually, I watched Awake few hours ago actor by haden n actress by Jessica alba. This movie just give me an idea to write something. Its about human behavior that I hate most. Betray. I hate betrayal. How do u feel if u really trust someone and that someone breach ur trustworthy? Anger. Revenge.
Ok, I can give few example here, if u are a doctor who have a patient that ur own friend. He trusted u so much untik he only want u become his surgeon for his heart transplant. And what the doctor did? Failed the surgery to sold the heart to the black market? How could u?! How about the parents that wait outside the operation theatre? Wife? Girlfriend maybe? kids? friends? Crying cause was thought the surgery was fail.. but the truth is, the doctor have betray the trustworthy given to the patient because of money…
Other example can I say is.. in a relationship, there must be trustworthy wrap with the love to make the relationship workin out. What happen if u see ur girl or ur boy is cheating on u? it really hurt rite?
But why… human still want to betray? Some people might say, human have right to choose what best for his/herself. And I wonder, what is the best actually if u hurting people to get ur own happiness. that selfish!
What can I say..its human and its colour of life.
p/s : dpt ilham dr nengok tb sebenarnya hehe
im really fragile rite now..
Friday, November 21, 2008
well, the 1st thing in my mind when i arrived at my lovely home is television. i miss watching all the series, movies, anything on the tv. so i decided to watch tv. hehe. on the mean time, i guess rite now, mythbuster one of my favourite show this past few days.

not to forgotten.i also watch one of my favourite show that is The Amazing Race Asia 3 which is the last episode and.. and.. Vince n Sam is the winners huhu (my adik hate them to be the winners, dont know why, haha) Suprisingly they win. i guess its their faith. by the way, congratss guys!
i also spend time with my friends (edison n hadi). Both of them ask me to join them to see the movies. Quarantine. Hideous genre. its a average i guess (my opinion la) but i do screamin while watching n both of my friends were laughing! (damn!) seram ok?! lagipun memang banyak adegan yang mengejutkan. next time, dont laugh! huh! U should watch it. besides its western. they do not beleive in its just a virus.
after watching quarantine, three of us heading to after 3 having our dinner. for the first time im having my dinner there, its not bad actually. after having singaporean fried noodle with hot milo, mix vege wih rice(edi) n lemon chicken with rice (hadi), we decide to go the spring.looking for dzul birthday the end, we bought magazines for ourselves hahaha. its nice to hang out with experience (=
well, actually there is alot of stuff that i need to do like hangout with my very bestfriend azie n zura, guess not yet coz zuera is not in kuching yet.she arrives on 23nov at 4pm and on that time i might be already at alor star.but i do meet azie this evening.I miss her so much.xoxo.
zie... miss u... cant lie huhu
im supposed meet mira.. but i dont know.. plans doesnt works well.. but still hoping to see her b4 i go, coz damn miss her.. its been a while i didnt see her.
wak.. pizza ju? huhu
last but not least.. im watching, actually, re-watching gossip girl season 1 hehe of the way to spend my time during this holiday.serena van der woodsen and dan humpreys always be my heart.hahahaahahahaha
ok, enough for now. need to sleep. gettin late already.^-^
Sunday, November 2, 2008
30 okt
Apa lah nasib aku hari ini… bukan main semangat lagi bangun pagi pagi kerana nak menguruskan slip peperiksaan ku yang xdapat di ambil gara-gara aku belum membayar yuran kolej.
Selepas bangun, terus g mandi kemudian, bergegas ke fakulti menanya kenapa aku tidak bole mengambil slip seterusnya bergegas ke depo bas untuk mengejar bas… sedang ku bergegas ke depo bas, selipar kiu putus pulak… apa punya nasib la.. malang sungguh.. aku da merancang kesemuanya, tapi nak buat macam mana… tuhan yang menetukan.. time tu jugak selipar ku putus.. nak balik ke kolej dlmkeadaan selipar putus satu hal… nasib tak ramai orang.. bila orang tidak ada, aku berjalan laju-laju dengan berkaki ayam, bila org ada aku jalan slowly dengan selipar putus ku itu… tapi kantoi gak ngan staf 2 orang tadi.. malunyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….
Ketika dalam perjalanan dengan selipar yang putus itu, daun pokok nipah berdekatan dengan dewan jatuh pulak.. nasib tidak kene aku.. fuh.. hari ini memang banyak dugaan .. rasa tak cukup bertuah pun ada.. huhu