cari makan

Monday, June 9, 2008

about me (part one)

Monday, June 9, 2008
this is a lil bout me..
name... juz call me shie
age... still young..dont worry he he he
am still study in Universiti Malaysia Sarawak taking industry economics course
how do i look? erm.. fair..gorgeous n cute (positive guys..positive he he)
i am a positive thinker... plus optimistic and realistic also. Live in this world is a realistic not a fantasy...just like the increase price of the fuel.. juz accept it guys coz dis is reality..
ok, back to me... ah.. i'm the person who talked alot if i'm hanging out wif the right person at the right time and the right mood hahahaha based on my mood also...
i luv butterfly...i dont know why.i just do..
besides that, i love orange n white colour. white mean pure, holy..while orange is creative..and i love both of it hahahaha. I also like to read coz, when i read i can answer question that always pop up in my head..
what else ek? guess.. paused here 1st keyh


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