its raining outside and im listening to Auburn, The Perfect Two. awwww. ntah tiba tiba rasa nak ber blog. there so many changes n puzzles recently. bachelor degree.check. master.*rolling eyes*. workin. *rolling eyes*.
i still follow the flow rite now. susah maze kali ini. i dont know what should i do and waiting is killing me. and and and i miss my friends! so much! especially you. yes you B!
i miss the way we spent time together sambil makan laksa sarawak dekat amnah and we talk talk and talk bout football, (i'm just listening whenever she start talking bout football) boys, girls that annoys us, makeup, weigh problem..ahh i miss u damn much. how dare u left me alone here. i guess that is routine. u come and go. everybody does. but the friendship, stay forever :-)
doa kan i bjaya n i doakan u bjaya jugak.
owh ya, i miss missgolong also. polah LI jauh2.menyakitkan ati jak.but, it for her own good.i'll wait 3 july.promise.
life change so fast. and now i felt it.its true. im not lying. orang pernah kata everyone goes with their own path. yup.that how i felt. everyone become selfish and i guess that kind of sellfish is a good way coz they grab the chances in front of their face.
so am i. and, waiting is killing me. for real.haih.