Perempuan, isteri dan ...
Have u watched Perempuan, isteri dan ... or the original title is Perempuan, isteri dan jalang? If u dont, u better watched it coz its something not new in the film in our industry but it left massages behind it just like footprints in life. I watched it yesterday at Astro Prima, thanx to astro kalau x, xberpeluang nak tengok cerita nie. It played on 1993 and directed by U-Wei. Lead actress by Sofia Jane as Zaleha, and lead actor by Nasir Bilal Khan as Amir.
A controversial social drama about a bride who elopes with another man to Thailand on her wedding day. She is tracked down by the groom, who forces her to be a prostitute. She tricks him into marrying her later, and causes a social upheaval in her village by encouraging other women to be more independent and by enticing other men to have affairs with her.
ok guys, my opinion to this malay movie, it was the best performance by sofia jane. Wanita yang cantik, ayu with the voluptious curves on her bods being a bitch! Dendam or in english, revenge is all about. That movie really thought me about consequences having a revenge. It's bring negative in ur live. Nasir Bilal Khan, semua orang tawu bagaimana dia berlakon with her own style but i keep want to talk bout Zaleha. Zaleha suck! She using her gorgeous to get sex dat she want. Am guessin she too cheap in this earth. With the voluptios curves and gorgeous face, which guys saying no is a stupid guy. But, fall to the woman like dat, still i said it was real dumb in the world. There's no sign of Love or pure love to that woman. I guess i'm being too optimistic here.. hahaha. Watak Zaleha suck tapi lakonan zaleha by Sofia Jane is d best! I just prayed that there is no woman out there like Zaleha. (probably lot of woman like dat, klu x, mana U-Wei dpt ilham) Guys out there... jgn terperdaya!
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